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Accountant Jobs in Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council 2023

Posted Mar 18, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council is a body corporate established under Section 3 of Pakistan Nursing Council Act, 1973 (Act No.XXVI of 1973). The council is inviting applications from Pakistani nationals desirous of becoming a member of the Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council.
The following positions are required to be filled under Section 31d of PNC Act, 1973 amended in 2023: i) Philanthropist or from civil society of known integrity and eminence with a minimum of fifteen years of related experience in the field of philanthropist or civil society; ii) Legal profession of known integrity and eminence with a minimum of fifteen years of experience in the field of law as a practicing lawyer or a retired High Court Judge; iii) Charted Accountant of known integrity and eminence with a minimum of fifteen years of related experience in the field of accountancy.
The tenure for membership is three (03) years as prescribed under section 4. The maximum age limit shall be regulated as per government policy. Interested candidates must submit their applications along with CV within seven (07) days from the date this advertisement was published. Incomplete applications/CVs or those received after due date will not be entertained.

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