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Auditor Jobs in National Rural Support Program NRSP 2023

Posted Mar 16, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO) is seeking to hire the services of a Chartered Accountants Audit Firm for the project-specific audit of the National Poverty Graduation Programme (NPGP) for the financial years 2020 to 2023. The NPGP is co-funded by International Fund of Agriculture Development (IFAD) and Government of Pakistan and is designed to catalyze change at the grassroots level to pull people out of poverty through social mobilization, livelihood development, and financial inclusion.
SRSO invites sealed bids/tenders from authorized vendors/firms for the procurement of auditing services for NPGP. The procurement will follow a Single Stage-two envelope procedure as per PPRA rule 36(b). Bid security is 2% of the total bid amount. Sealed bids are required to be dropped in by interested bidders at SRSO Complex near Tai Petrol Pump Shikarpur road, Sukkur by March 31st, 2023. Bids shall be opened on the same day in presence of interested bidders or their authorized representatives.
For any queries regarding this job opportunity please contact Mr. Asif Muneer Memon during official hours. The last date for submission of proposals is March 31st, 2023.

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National Rural Support Program NRSP
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