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Bio Medical Technician Jobs in The Joint Hospital Awaran 2023

Posted April 23, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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The Joint Hospital Awaran, a 50 bedded Public Sector Medical and Healthcare facility established with the support of Government of Balochistan and Pak Army, seeks applications from dynamic qualified and experienced candidates from all over Pakistan purely on contract basis on a lump-sum amount (maximum amount depending on qualification and experience), initially for a period of one year, which is extendable, on satisfactory performance. The candidate should have a Diploma/Certification course in Bio Medical Technology from recognized institute. 2-3 years experience will be preferred. Applications along with CV and attested copies of all educational and experience certificates, CNIC, updated Registration, passport-size colored photograph may be sent through email in PDF format latest by or before 27 April 2023 at following email address: [email protected]. Interviews will be conducted online (via Whatsapp/Zoom) on 29 April 2023.

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The Joint Hospital Awaran
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