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Chief Financial Scale MP-III BPS - 19 Jobs in Food Department 2024

Posted Jan 20, 2024 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Food Department, Government of Sindh Karachi is seeking applications for the position of Chief Financial Scale MP-III BPS - 19 on a contract basis. The contract will be for a term of two years for officers and will be terminated on one months notice for tehsil of tenure or cancellation of contract. The candidate should have a minimum of eight years of experience in a senior position as Chief Auditor/Director Audit in Public/Semi-Public Institutions or in an Audit Firm (accredited by HEC). A Masters degree in Accounting and Finance is required, preferably with CA or PhD in Accounting and Finance. Civil Servants/Government Servants may also apply at the departmental level subject to eligibility. The age range for this position is 65-40. Interested candidates should submit their applications to the Office of the Secretary for Islamic Food, Government of Sindh, New Sindh Secretariat, Building No. 1, 4th Floor, Karachi. The application should include duly attested copies of documents, date of birth, address, fathers name, CNIC, two recent passport size photographs, academic and technical qualifications, domicile PRC, and previous experience. The employment rules and regulations will be regulated by the Sindh Management Position Scales Policy, 2022. Government employees should apply through departmental channels. Incomplete applications will not be considered. TADA will not be provided for the interview.

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