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Chief Operating Officer Jobs in National Rural Support Program NRSP 2023

Posted April 26, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
60000 - 100000

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The Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) seeks a dynamic, dedicated person as Chief Operating Officer (COO). RSPN is Pakistan"s largest civil society network, set up by the Rural Support Programmes (RSPs). RSPN works closely with the RSPs to implement multi-sector, community-led development programmes across Pakistan. The COO will be responsible for all RSPN operations and will report to the CEO. Candidates must have senior-level management experience, excellent networking and teamwork skills. The ability to work with diverse partners e.g. government, donors, the private sector and development programmes and the ability to travel extensively are essential. Eligible applicants are requested to submit a cover letter and resume through email at [email protected] latest by 30 April 2023 by mentioning the position title in the email subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. RSPN is an equal opportunity employer.

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National Rural Support Program NRSP
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