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Communication Coordinator Jobs in National Rural Support Program NRSP 2023

Posted May 3, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
25000 - 30000

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Applications are invited from interested candidates who are willing and enthusiastic to prove their potential on the following positions in National Rural Support Programme for one of its project at Dadu Hyderabad. The job title is Communication Coordinator. The duty place is Project Office Dadu/Regional Office Hyderabad. The duration is up to June 2024. Applications can be submitted through the given link http://ree.h/1365971. The last date for submission of applications is May 9, 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for test & interview (no TADA shall be admissible). We are an equal opportunity employer and strictly discourage all sorts of discrimination on the basis of gender, creed and religion. Women are encouraged to apply.

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