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Computer Operator Jobs in Fazaia School and Colleges 2023

Posted Feb 18, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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Fazaia School PAF Base Bholari (Hyderabad) is seeking energetic, competent, and well-qualified candidates who are seeking a career under an inspiring work environment. We are currently looking to fill several vacancies including Headmistress, Subject Teachers (Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics), PIT (Certificate in Physical Education or SNCO(Retd)PF&DIT Trade or Equivalent from Army), Incharge Progress Section (Graduate with minimum 5 years of experience as an admin officer), Accounts Computer (D.Com with DIT from Government Technical Board), Operator, Librarian (Bachelor Degree in Library Science), Lab Assistant (F.Sc in Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering/Certificate in Computer Science/40 WPM), Skilled in the field of Carpentry, Daftary (Matriculation with basic computer knowledge), and Gatekeeper. The ideal candidates should have relevant qualifications and experience with a minimum of 2 years for Headmistress and 5 years for Subject Teachers, PIT, Incharge Progress Section, and Lab Assistant. Interested candidates should apply at by March 01, 2023. Shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test followed by a demo lesson and panel interview. For further inquiries, please contact 022-9501500 Ext:5510 or Mobile No 0323-9431859.

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