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Constable Jobs in Sindh Police 2023

Posted Mar 25, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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The Sindh Police Department has extended the last date for submission of online applications for various recruitment processes. The available positions include Assistant Sub-Inspector (BPS-11) against Shaheed Quota, Police Constable and Driver Police Constable (BPS-07) against reserved posts of Minority Quota, Police Constable (BPS-07) against reserved posts of Women Quota, Driver Police Constable (BPS-07) in Sindh Police and Head Constable (BPS-09) and Police Constable (BPS-07) in Bomb Disposal Cadre Special Branch Sindh.
The last date for submission of online applications through SiBA Testing Service has been extended to April 5th, 2023. Other terms and conditions of the aforementioned advertisements shall remain the same.
For more information, candidates can visit the Sindh Police Department website at

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