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Data Assistant Jobs in Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony 2023

Posted Mar 29, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony is hiring contingent paid/daily wages staff for a maximum period of 3 months for specific assignment of Hajj-2023 related work. The available positions include Data Processing Assistant, Data Entry Operator, LDC and Naib Qasid. The qualifications and experience required for each position vary and can be found in the detailed job advertisement. Walk-in tests/interviews will be conducted at the Directorate of Hajj, Haji Camp, Sector I-14, Islamabad on the dates mentioned in the advertisement. Interested candidates should apply online through the ministry's website and download a roll number slip to bring to the test/interview. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the test/interview after 09:00 am. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview and successful candidates will be informed telephonically.

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Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony
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