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Director Security Jobs in Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) 2023

Posted Mar 25, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
60000 - 100000

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WAPDA is offering job opportunities for the positions of Director (Security) and Deputy Director (Security). The Director (Security) position is based at Diamer Basha Dam Project (DBDP), Kohistan and requires a retired Colonel or equivalent rank from the Armed Forces. The Deputy Director (Security) position has 7 vacancies based at different locations including 5 at DBDP, Kohistan and 1 each at Mohmand Dam Project (MDP), Mohmand and Keyal Khwar Hydropower Project (KKHPP), Pattan. The position requires a retired Major or equivalent rank from the Armed Forces with preference given to those having experience in the relevant field. The maximum age limit for both positions is 55 years. Interested candidates can apply by filling out the prescribed application form available on WAPDA's website

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Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
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