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Driver Jobs in Public Health Department Bagh 2024

Posted Jan 20, 2024 Report Job
Pay Range
25000 - 30000

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Applications are required from eligible candidates for appointment to the vacant post of Driver in the Public Health Department, District Bagh, Jammu and Kashmir. The vacant positions include:
1. Driver at Diki Sehat Sir Center (West Ring of Bang) - 04 vacancies
2. Driver at Arja Rural Health Center (West Bana District) - 01 vacancy
3. Security guard at Bir Pani Rural Health Center (Central Bagh Circle) - 01 vacancy
4. Mail Intendant at Mulat Rural Health Center (West Bagh District) - 01 vacancy
5. Mail Indent at Primary Health Center Chowdhury (West Bagh Circle) - 01 vacancy
6. Vice-Messenger Mail at DEO Office Bani (Headquarters) - 01 vacancy
7. Sentry worker at DEO Office Bagh (Headquarters) - 02 vacancies

- Temporary appointments are automatically canceled from the date of publication of this advertisement.
- Candidates must be between 18 and 40 years old.
- Candidates from Jammu and Kashmir are preferred.
- Application form, certified copy of resident registration/identity card, and attested copy of Driver License must be submitted by January 31, 2024, to DHO Office Bagh.
- Incomplete and late applications will not be entertained.
- No separate call letters or TADA will be issued.
- Residents of constituencies are eligible to apply.
- Final decisions will be made by the Departmental Selection Committee.
- Interviews for Vacancy No. 02 will be held on February 7, 2024, at DHO Office Bagh.

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Public Health Department Bagh
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