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Hybrid Social Business Protection Specialist (Design and Operations) Jobs in Benazir Income Support Program 2024

Posted Jan 12, 2024 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) is seeking a Hybrid Social Business Protection Specialist for the Crisis Resilient Social Protection (CRISp) Project funded by the World Bank. The specialist will be responsible for designing and implementing conventional as well as innovative/hybrid banking products, branchless banking, G2P payments, social cash transfers, and digital finance. Candidates must have a minimum of sixteen years of education in Administration, Accounting, Finance, Economics, or Commerce, with at least ten years of relevant work experience. Excellent communication, analytical, and computer skills are required. Detailed Terms of Reference (TORs) for the post can be downloaded from Interested candidates should apply online at BISPs official website and upload a detailed/updated CV. The last date to apply for the post is 26th January, 2024.

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