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Junior Engineer Jobs in KOEN AJ&K 2023

Posted Mar 17, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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KOEN AJ&K is offering positions for Junior Engineers at Gulpur Hydropower Plant in Barali, Kotli, Azad Kashmir (Pakistan). Candidates with a BSE in Electrical/Electronics/Software/Mechanical or Mechatronics can apply. Eligibility criteria include 1-2 years of working experience in the role and candidates with good GPA will be preferred.
Key duties for this position include preparation of technical and non-technical reports, assisting senior engineers in reporting planning and scheduling, assisting technical teams on routine PM/CM activities and strictly following training programs. Other responsibilities include preparation of master lists, QRs and WIJSAs.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please share your resume by March 26th 2023 at [email protected]. An attractive salary package and other benefits shall be offered in accordance with Company Policy.

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