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Laison Officer Jobs in Gwadar Development Authority GDA Hospital 2023

Posted Feb 18, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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The Gwadar Development Authority, a government body, is seeking a qualified and experienced individual for the position of Liaison Officer at their Camp Office in Islamabad on a contract basis. The ideal candidate should hold a Master's degree in Business Administration or MPA with at least 2nd Division from a recognized university, be fully familiar with the city, and have knowledge of various government offices in the Federal Capital. The candidate must have excellent communication skills, both spoken and written, and good manners. The age bracket for the position is 28-40 years, and the candidate must have his/her own conveyance. The position is non-transferable, and the candidate must have residential facility in the Federal Capital. Interested candidates can submit their applications in the Administration section of the Gwadar Development Authority or email their CV to [email protected], and the deadline for applications is March 4th, 2023.

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Gwadar Development Authority GDA Hospital
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