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Lecturer English Jobs in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University 2023

Posted April 22, 2023 Report Job
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar is seeking applications for the position of Lecturer of English (BPS-18) in the Department of English. The candidate must have a minimum of 16 years of education in the relevant field from an HEC recognized institution with no 3rd division in the academic career. The condition of no 3rd division shall not be applicable in the qualification of appointment as Lecturer in Universities or DAls provided that the candidate holds a higher degree viz Ph.D. or equivalent degree with not more than one 3rd division in entire academic career. The last date for receipt of forms for the above-mentioned advertisement is extended from 01 May 2023 to Monday 8 May 2023. For more information, please contact the Registrar Office (Meetings Section) at phone number: 091-9224792.

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