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Librarian Jobs in Northern University Nowshera 2023

Posted Mar 25, 2023 Report Job
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Northern University Nowshera is a chartered university recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. The university is currently seeking highly competent, well-qualified, committed and experienced individuals to fill various faculty and administrative staff positions.
The available positions include Assistant Professor, Professor, Lecturer, Controller of Examinations, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Assistant Controller of Examinations, Librarian and Assistant Librarian. Candidates for faculty positions should have a PhD or MS/MPhil degree in relevant fields from an HEC recognized university or institution. Administrative staff positions require relevant experience and education. The university is also seeking Security Guards with at least a Matric qualification and preferably ex-Army personnel.
Interested candidates may send their applications along with their CVs to the Registrar at Northern University, Wattar Wallai Road, Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by March 31st, 2023.

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Northern University Nowshera
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