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Ophthamologist Jobs in PPHI Sindh 2023

Posted Mar 13, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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Redefining Primary Healthcare in Sindh is urgently looking to hire Staff for various positions including Director-IT, Deputy Director-Human Resource Management, Deputy Director-Procurement, Deputy Director-Monitoring and Evaluation, Deputy Chief Finance, Pediatrician, Gynecologist, Pathologist, Ophthalmologist, ENT Specialist, Medical Officer, and Female Medical Officer. The eligibility criteria for each position varies, with requirements such as a relevant Masters degree, 7-10 years of relevant post-qualification work experience, and proficiency in IT and relevant software. The salary packages range from Rs.75,900/- to Rs.335,000/- depending on the position and location of posting. Benefits such as Provident Fund, EOBI, Health & Medical Insurance, evening/night shift allowance, and hard areas allowance are also provided. Interested candidates can apply online through PPHI's job portal by 26-03-2023. Shortlisted candidates will be called for a Test/Interview and no TA/DA will be provided. The company reserves the right to amend/cancel the hiring process at any stage.

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