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Project Director Jobs in Higher Education Commission 2023

Posted April 3, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
350000 - 400000

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The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is inviting applications from Pakistani nationals for various project-funded positions under the project "Youth Development Center (YDC) Prime Minister's Youth Programme" on a contract basis. The positions available include Project Director, Employment Promotion Expert, Education & Engagement Expert, Monitoring & Evaluation Expert, Assistant Manager Coordination/Monitoring, Assistant Manager (Data Analytics, Social Media & SEO), Senior Graphic Designer & Content Developer, and Naib Qasid.
The qualifications and experience required for each position vary and are detailed in the provided text. The maximum age limit for the positions ranges from 35 to 50 years. The project pay scale and monthly stipend for each position are also mentioned in the provided text.
Applicants are required to apply online from the HEC website No need to send a hard copy of CV and documents. Interested candidates for the post of Naib Qasid may send their applications in hard form to the address given below. Interviews will be conducted via audio/video conferencing at the nearest possible location of the candidates (Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta & Peshawar).
HEC reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason as well as to increase/decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement. Applicants are required to submit their applications within 15 days from the date of publication. Incomplete/late applications will not be entertained.

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Higher Education Commission
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