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Psychologist Worker Jobs in MicroMerger Pvt. Ltd 2024

Posted Jan 15, 2024 Report Job
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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MicroMerger (Pvt.) Ltd. is looking for 3 Psychologist-cum-Social Case Workers for a government department in KP Province. The candidates must have at least a second-class masters degree or a 4-year (post-intermediate) bachelors degree in Psychology from a recognized University. They should also have at least 2 years of experience in providing psychological and psychosocial services to children and families affected by abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The positions are contractual and the company reserves the right to reject any or all applications or change the number of positions as per requirements. Interested candidates can register/apply online at XXpertJobs or send their CV to [email protected].

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