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Research (Environmental Policy) Jobs in Punjab Green Development Program (PGDP) 2023

Posted May 6, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
100000 - 150000

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The Government of Punjab is hiring for the position of Research (Environmental Policy&Safeguard) in the Program Coordination Unit (PCU) of the Punjab Green Development Program (PGDP). The incumbent should possess a degree in Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering/Atmospheric Science. A higher degree in the respective field would be a plus. The preference will be given to the incumbents who have experience of foreign aided projects in Pakistan. The incumbent should have good writing and spoken skills in English and Urdu languages. Allowances for the post will be admissible as per rules notified by Finance Department. Government policies prevailing at the time shall apply. Incomplete/irrelevant applications without requisite experience/documents are liable to be rejected. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA shall be admissible to those called for test/interview. The Competent Authority reserves the rights to increase/decrease the number of positions or cancellation of any position without any reason. All recruitments will be made as per applicable Government Policies/Rules Regulations.

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