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Security Guard (Chowkidar) Jobs in University of Peshawar 2023

Posted April 23, 2023 Report Job
Pay Range
25000 - 30000

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University of Peshawar invites applications on prescribed forms downloadable from for the position of Chowkidar (BPS-04). The candidate should be a retired Defense Forces personnel with good physique. The candidate should be maximum 45 years of age. Educated persons will be given preference. Applicants are required to submit their application forms along with photocopies of complete documents duly attested i.e. one recent passport-size photograph, copies of the National Identity Card (NADRA), Educational Testimonials, Domicile, Experience/Service Certificates, Termination Certificate, and Personal Biodata Form etc. with the Bank receipt (non-refundable) (Account No.6290-3 National Bank of Pakistan University Campus Branch of Rs.500 in favor of the Treasurer University of Peshawar and should reach the Meetings Section on or before 4:00pm on Tuesday 9 May 2023. Incomplete applications and those received after the due date will not be entertained.

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