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Site Engineer Jobs in The Life Residencia Pvt Ltd 2023

Posted Feb 21, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
60000 - 100000

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The Life Residencia (Pvt Ltd), a private housing scheme, is currently seeking qualified and experienced candidates for various positions on a contract basis. One of the positions available is Project Director, which requires a retired Lt. Col or an individual with 20 years of experience in infrastructure and building work, who is familiar with town planning, structure design, and evaluation and development implementation of civil engineering projects. The ideal candidate should hold a BS degree in civil engineering and be registered with PEC. The company is also looking for a Construction Development Manager, who should hold a BS in Civil Engineering and have 10 years of experience in infrastructure and building work. The candidate should be well-versed in town planning, structure design, evaluation, and development implementation of civil engineering projects. Additionally, there are two vacancies for Site Engineers; one with a DAE in Civil and the other with a DAE Diploma in Electrical. Both vacancies require 10 years of experience in infrastructure and building work, preferably in renowned housing schemes. The company requires interested candidates to submit their applications along with their CV, copy of CNIC, testimonials, and experience certificates to the GM Operations at The Life Residencia in Islamabad within 10 days of the advertisement publication. Please note that no TA/DA will be paid to the shortlisted candidates called for an interview.

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The Life Residencia Pvt Ltd
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