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Sub Engineer (Civit) Jobs in AJK Tourism & Archaeology Department 2023

Posted Mar 25, 2023 Report Job
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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The AJK Tourism & Archaeology Department is inviting eligible and qualified individuals who are AJ&K nationals for contract appointments against the development project "Capacity Building of AJK Tourism and Archaeology Department." The available positions include Assistant Chief (Planning), Sub Divisional Officer, Web Developer, Sub Engineer, and Patwari.
The Assistant Chief (Planning) position requires an MA/MSc in Economics/Statistics/MBA (Finance) or equivalent with a minimum of 2 divisions from any recognized university and a minimum of 5 years of experience in planning, preparation of PC-Is/projects, and development matters. The Sub Divisional Officer position requires a BS in Engineering (Civil) or equivalent with a minimum of 2 divisions from any recognized university and a minimum of 2 years of experience in planning and execution of development projects. The Web Developer position requires a BSCS/MCS or equivalent with a minimum of 2 divisions from any recognized university and a minimum of 2 years of experience in the relevant field. The Sub Engineer position requires a DAE in Civil or equivalent.
Interested candidates should submit their application to the office of the Director General Tourism & Archaeology at Tourism Complex Chatter Muzaffarabad. The last date for submission is April 10th, 2023.

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