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Admin Officer Jobs in Pakistan Army 2023

Posted Mar 17, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
200000 - 250000

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Frontier Corps Balochistan (South) is seeking a retired Army Officer for the position of Admin Officer at their Karachi location. This is a contract-based position with an attractive pay package equivalent to BPS 19-20. The selected candidate will also receive free transport and accommodation.
The ideal candidate should be no older than 55 years of age. Please note that no pension or gratuity is admissible under this contract. In case of termination from service without any valid reason, the Admin Officer will receive one month's advance pay. If the Admin Officer wishes to resign, they must give three months' advance notice.
The primary duty of the Admin Officer will be to manage administrative work for Frontier Corps at Karachi and visit different establishments in the vicinity as per requirement.
If you are interested in this opportunity and meet the requirements, please forward your CV for further selection as Admin Officer by March 25th, 2023. You may contact us at 0852-411985 or 0309-7882259 for more information.

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