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Director Electronics Jobs in Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) 2023

Posted Mar 14, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
200000 - 250000

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Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) is looking for qualified individuals to fill the vacant post of Joint Director Electronics (EG-05) on a contract basis for three years (extendable). The selection will be made purely on suitability and merit. The candidate should have a BE/BS degree in Electronics/Avionics/Industrial Electronics/Telecommunication Engineering from an HEC recognized university and a minimum experience of 15 years with maintenance/up-gradation of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance systems. The candidate should also possess experience in carrying protective and corrective maintenance of high-tech equipment like Radar, Nav. Aids, Radio Communication System and Building Management systems. Excellent presentation, problem-solving, leadership, decision-making and analytical skills are required.
Interested candidates can apply by filling out the online job application form available at within fifteen days from the date of this advertisement.

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Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA)
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