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HR Executive Jobs in Leopards Courier Services (Pvt.) Ltd 2023

Posted Mar 25, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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Leopards Courier is currently hiring for the position of HR Executive in Sukkur. The role involves overseeing HR activities of daily operations, payroll administration and compliance, employee onboarding and talent acquisition activities. The HR Executive will also conduct trainings of different departments with the coordination of the training team, maintain the filing system of employees and participate in the development of HR objectives and systems. The job may require visiting different cities of zones.
The ideal candidate should have strong verbal and written communication skills, be proficient in MS Excel, have the ability to multitask and possess good presentation skills. A positive attitude is also essential for this role. Candidates with 1-2 years of experience are preferred.
Interested candidates can send their CVs to [email protected].

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