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Pharmacist Jobs in DHQ Hospital 2023

Posted Mar 18, 2023 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
50,000 - 60,000

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Career opportunities are available for the position of Pharmacist, DR TB Care at DHQ Hospitals in Attock (02 positions) and Okara (02 positions). The eligibility criteria for this position includes a Pharm-D degree with an additional qualification of MPH preferred. Candidates should have one year of experience as a Clinical Pharmacist/Hospital Pharmacist and experience in managing TB drugs will be preferred. Computer skills, particularly working on MS Office, are desired.
Key responsibilities include but are not limited to assisting the project in managing and dispensing SLDs, educating on drug intake and DSM on follow-up visits; maintenance of MDR-TB patients' records; facilitating the conduct of investigations and offering health education including mental health; conducting household screening visits; liaising with Xpert sites and retrieval of missed follow-up patients.
The salary for this position is PKR 50,000 per month. Interested candidates should email their CVs to [email protected] with the subject line "Job Application for Pharmacist Attock" or "Job Application for Pharmacist Okara" latest by 24th March 2023.

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