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Technical Worker (Dhoobi) Jobs in DHQ Hospital 2024

Posted Jan 20, 2024 Report Job
Pay Range
25000 - 30000

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Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the vacant post of Technical Worker (Dhoobi) in the Public Health Department, District Headquarters Hospital, Palindri. The candidate must be educated with 01 year of experience in the relevant field. The age limit is between 18 and 40 years. Candidates must be residents of the first-class state and district Sidhanoti. Required documents include ID Card, Pashtun Certificate, Domicile Certificate, etc. Separate applications are required for each post. The test interview will be held on 03-02-2024 at 10 AM in the office of Zarid Takhti. No traveling expenses/daily allowance will be provided for the test interview.

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