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Principal Jobs in The Citizens Foundation Lahore 2024

Posted Jan 10, 2024 Report Job
Job Type
Pay Range
60000 - 100000

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The TCF Primary Principal at Chak 247 RB Miani, Faisalabad is responsible for recruiting, developing, empowering, supporting, encouraging, and retaining the best teachers in the school. The role involves creating a culture of mutual and continuous learning, respect, collaboration, and coordination within the school community. Academic responsibilities include teacher recruitment, development of a school improvement plan, monitoring classroom quality, working on teacher quality through demo sessions and feedback, monitoring student performance, attending training sessions, conducting term tests and examinations, and building team spirit. Administrative responsibilities include developing a strong relationship with the community, maintaining required student strength, outreach of teachers, HR-related matters, maintaining school discipline, managing staff leaves and attendance, supervising administrative tasks, ensuring building and premises maintenance, and timely submission of reports.

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