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Curriculum and Instruction Code No. 6503 Past Papers | AIOU

Download and view past papers for Curriculum and Instruction code number 6503 (AIOU) for the semester of spring and autumn. It is a 3 credit hours book.Old papers will provide a clear understanding of important areas or parts of the subjects. Also previous examinations papers will provide a guess for the upcoming examination.Below table provide past papers. Click on the link to view:

Autumn Past Papers
Serial NoYear/SemesterView
1Curriculum and Instruction Autumn 2021View
2Curriculum and Instruction Autumn 2017View
Spring Past Papers
Serial NoYear/SemesterView
1Curriculum and Instruction Spring 2020View
2Curriculum and Instruction Spring 2019View
3Curriculum and Instruction Spring 2017View
4Curriculum and Instruction Spring 2016View
5Curriculum and Instruction Spring 2015View
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