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AIOU Code 1423 English-I Past Papers and Preparation Guide 2025

Preparation for the final term examination papers.

Preparation for code number 1423 English-I is one of the main headaches for the students. The paper has eight questions. The paper pattern consists of the questions of a letter (formal/informal), conversation, suggestions/questions, writing a paragraph, essay, and tenses (active/passive voice, sentences, etc). We'll cover all these important questions with their preparation materials in this blog.

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) partitioned the English at the bachelor level into two parts; one as 1423 (English-I) while the other 1424 (English-II). In this guide, we'll walk you through the important questions, topics, and preparation methods for the final term exams in minimal time.

To succeed and pass the exam easily we'll take you through the general category of each question and important topics for every question. Before you know the paper pattern, you can browse through the previous papers for the past examinations in the next section.

English-I (Code 1423) Papers

In my opinion, past papers are a big resource for the preparation of the subject when it comes to the minimal time for the preparation. Not only preparation, but previous exam papers also give you a sketch and paper pattern. Due to the semester system of the AIOU past papers are categorized into the spring and autumn sections.

Spring Past Papers

Spring Model Papers

We are also preparing model papers for the AIOU subjects. These model papers are based on important book questions instead of past papers. So, take them as important questions for preparation.

Spring Model Papers
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1Compulsory English-I Spring Model Papers 2021View

Assignments for Code 1423

Previous and current semester assignments are great resources for the preparation of the final term exam.

We have a great collection of assignments for previous semesters which we'll be posting on the site. So keep visiting this page for updates!

Paper Pattern

So far we've been talking about the preparation materials like past papers, model papers, and assignments. If you've gone through all those above resources, you must have an idea of the pattern of the paper. But, here in this section, we'll go through every type of question in depth.

Essay and Article Writing

The main difference between the essay and article is that; essay consists of heading and sub-headings while the article does not.

The essays in general are of the length 200-300 words with the given choice to the students. Usually, there are 4 topics to choose from. You can choose any of the topics you feel comfortable with and write a full essay with headings and sub-headings.

Generally, essays can be categorized as follow:

  • A trip to a place/city
  • Advantages or disadvantages of a thing/life
  • Essay on health, sport

Letter Writing

Letters are of two types; formal and informal. Formal letters include letters to the organizations and institutes while informal letters are the ones written to friends, parents, and relatives.

Letter layouts are very important. I highly suggest you go through layouts (commas, breaks, etc) to get easy marks.

Letters can be broadly categorized as follow:

  • Letter to your father (tell about your studies, asking him for a fee, etc)
  • Writing to a friend (lending, thanking, or wishing him/her)
  • Letter to close relatives like a sister, brother, etc

Dialog Between People

This is a real scenario-based question where students are asked to write the conversation between two friends, brothers, or two entities.

The real hack to this question can be the similar starting and ending of a conversation/dialog. The starting of a conversation between two people will always stay the same (with Salam and respect). Similarly, the ending of a conversation will also be similar no matter what topic students are asked to write on.

Grammar and Tenses (Active and Passive Voice)

Grammar is an important part of the paper. Students don't need to use mind-blowing and difficult vocabulary but they need to use precise and grammatically correct sentences.

The test for the understanding of 'tenses' and grammar is done through the following type of questions:

  • Write synonyms of the word
  • Correct use of a word in a sentence
  • Conversion of active voice to passive voice
  • Correction of the verbs in sentences
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